Media about us

Media about us

Youth and old age: where does the boundary begin and end? – INTERVIEW

02.02.2024 Oxu.Az

Looking for points of contact

Russian physiologists plan to more actively cooperate with Azerbaijani colleagues

24.11.2023 В поисках точек соприкосновения | Бакинский рабочий (

Based on the ideals of humanism

During two days, two large-scale events were held at the Central Scientific Library of ANAS – the International Scientific Conference “Physiology and Professional Pathologies of the Visual Organ: Fundamental and Applied Aspects” and the VI Congress of Physiologists of Azerbaijan. They were dedicated to the 100th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev and academician Zarifa Aliyeva.

02.11.2023. Опираясь на идеалы гуманизма | Бакинский рабочий (

An employee of the Institute was a guest of the program “Morning Time”


Academician Zarifa Aliyeva is a sophisticated woman who radiated light and kindness

21.04.2023. – “Каспий”: Академик Зарифа Алиева – утонченная женщина, излучавшая свет и доброту – ФОТО

Zarifa Aliyeva: a life dedicated to people

20.04.2023. Зарифа Алиева: жизнь, посвященная людям | Газета “Каспий” (

Longevity in Azerbaijan was discussed in the “О самом главном” program on Russia 1 (Россия 1) channel


V Congress of Azerbaijani Physiologists

The 5th Congress of Azerbaijani Physiologists on the topic “Physiology and Human Health,” dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Physiology at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), has started its work.

11.10.17. 525-ci qəzet – Azərbaycan fizioloqlarının V qurultayı
